Though this can be done with more than one character and is easily accomplished with a friend. This strategy does take longer as the player will need to rank up and keep their character in one of the top three spots until the end of the season to earn gems. This will boost their score and quickly get them to the top.

To get a higher score on the leaderboards, players will need to have more wins than losses for that particular character. Each character has its ranking and leaderboards. However, players can pick one of the gods to fight with that isn't used very often, and check what the leaderboard stats are for that specific character. The only part of the leaderboards that do not earn players money is the duels. Lastly, players can rank up specific characters on the leaderboards. The battle options here are between Conquest, Arena, Clash, Joust, Assault, Siege, and Joust the Two of Us.

They will receive 15 gems for each of the battle options they get a top score in and an extra 5o gems if they receive a top ranking in three or more of the battle options. At the end of each day, players who are sitting at the top of the rankings will receive their gem stipend. Players can also fight to win extra gems through the Daily Win.
Nexus is a great platform, you will get a code to redeem in game. If thats the link you get from the smite website I'd say 8-9/10 it should be a safe website.
This usually equals out to roughly 25 gems per quest completed. 245 listings on TCGplayer for Mind Slash - Magic: The Gathering - B, Sacrifice a creature: Target opponent reveals his or her hand. I buy gems using nexus, make sure to find a content creator or pro players nexus storefront if you have one you want to support (they get a percentage). Make sure to check both the main page and the weekly quests that are available. Pele Build SmitePele is a ranged assassin God has single target damage. Provided by Dot Esports Smite revealed a new Holiday Gem sale today to go along. Holidays in particular are the best times to check. Like Comments 1 One of the best parts of the holiday season is themed events in some of your favorite games. Usually, there is at least one event available for players to participate in per month. Checking this daily can earn players some extra gems as events fairly often offer them freely to players who participate. Here players will be notified of what events are going on and what is being rewarded for each event that players participate in. The first and easiest way to earn gems is to check out the main entrance page of the game.